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There are four ways we work with businesses.


1.  Many services businesses receive calls from elders because they are struggling with the technology that supports the service they provide.  
It can be difficult, tike consuming and costly to try to resolve those issues remotely.  It can also lead to frustration and dissatisfaction.   It is cost effective and helpful to pass such calls to us for an in-person visit where skilled intervention is not required.  


2. The pressures on those working and providing familial care are becoming more widely recognised.  Legislation will soon require businesses to provide 5 days care leave per year.  That helps but is insufficient to stop many of your workforce struggling.   We can provide expertise and consultancy on how to enable them to stay in work and be effective, whilst caring.  You can also buy Myfolks' support to help them or signpost it so they know help is at hand.  


3. You can work with us to add social value to your public sector tenders.  Talk to us about how you could use your corporate volunteer days to support us and even provide non-chargeable visits to those most in need.  Contact


4.  Where appropriate, relevant and ethical we may signpost your offerings on our site and vice versa.  Contact





Business to Government 

Myfolks can provide support to elderly people in your communities.  This can release your skilled staff to do visits that only skilled staff can do. We can provide first line alert response.  

Myfolks visits can be socially prescribed and/or funded by Attendance Allowance.  

We can provide the Myfolks service to support people as they are discharged from hospital, to get them released promptly and reduce the risk of a rapid return to hospital. 

We can provide practical and emotional support in respect of virtual hospital wards at home.  

We can contribute to community, revitalising town centres and creating sustainable and smart cities.  Please enquire at 






B2B & B2G

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