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Reduced to tears!

Updated: Jun 14

Twice this week strong professional women that I greatly admire have reduced me to tears.  Fortunately, in a good way each time.

First, Canadian Strategic Advisor, Kelley Irwin wrote on LinkedIn about her worst day, spent reassuring her dad who was in hospital for treatment while newly diagnosed with dementia.  He asked where she was, repeatedly and she replied "I'm right here" repeatedly.  As often when Kelley writes her story, she writes mine and I was instantly transported to a ward on the Freeman Hospital where I invoked John's Campaign to stay overnight by dad's bed in a similar situation.  The staff pulled the curtain round dad's bed to afford privacy from me to other male patients.  My presence though kept dad settled and hopefully they all got some sleep.   I happened to be reading Kelley's story and thinking about that time with my dad whilst lying in bed and it wasn't long til my tears were running backwards into my ears.  Thanks for that, gravity.  Both Kelley and I think it is a privilege to be there, but it can be so very difficult to be everywhere we need to be....

The second instance was when Dawn Dunn, Tech Sector Lead at Invest Newcastle revealed in public that she is a customer of Myfolks.   She wrote "If there is such a thing as Organisational Compassion, then Myfolks has it in spades. The work you do is invaluable and I am a very, very happy customer.'  I read this, with absolutely no idea it was coming, at Newcastle Central Station waiting for my train south.  It was incredibly generous and I was probably always going to be reduced to tears by a recommendation. What Dawn said though, that Myfolks has organisational compassion, captures perfectly the intent of Myfolks and had me in bits.   We are putting back compassion that has somehow got lost in the pressures we face today.  Compassion is Myfolks' most prized value and to hear that played back by a customer, to learn that our customers are receiving what we are trying to transmit, is the best thing ever.  I'm under threat of more tears as I write, so with huge thanks to both Kelley and Dawn, I'm hastily moving on....

I'm really delighted that our repeat visits to customers are continuing at pace.  Nails have been painted, police advice on avoiding scams has been shared and there's been reminiscing about horse riding and dancing amongst other things.  Our lovely Stacie has been spending some time with a lady in Cumbria whose lifelong partner is now in hospital long term.  She misses him desperately.   Stacie has brought her some lightness and we are all amazed that Stacie can barely get a word in. 

We constantly try to improve the experience of our visits and also of those booking our visits.  Martin has produced a video that is a step by step guide on how to use the app to make a booking. So easy and the video should give you extra confidence.   Do please check it out [here] and let us know your thoughts on whether it helps.  Of course there's always our phone number 03330445922 if apps are really not for you.  

On the subject of video, however, we are excited to reveal this one - MyFolks - Introduction ( that sets out how Myfolks came about and you can hear from our regular customer Roger on how he finds Myfolks works for his aunt.  I'm sure he won't mind me saying that the star of this production is our favourite, Fred.  Fred has full capacity and very kindly offered the filming of a Myfolks visit to him.  He's from a theatre family and has been featured with us previously.   He's always keen to share stories of his post-retirement gigs as Santa.  Thank you Fred (or is it really Santa?)

Often people contact Myfolks when the pressure is on.  In fact, as shared in the video, the idea for Myfolks came when I was really feeling the pressure of trying to do the best for my folks while keeping everything else going. It can be so challenging.  So if you send us a mayday request as a new customer between now and the end of May, we will do two visits for the price of one standard hour (£25) so you can really feel a May Day benefit.  

Your folks are Myfolks 

Wishing you all the best




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